



針原造園 針原成吉 と申します

沢山のご縁 ご好意 を頂戴し
生花などの店舗デザイン ディスプレイ 
一般に拝観可能で公開されている寺院(例;日蓮宗 本山 本法寺)
拝観をされていない(例;臨済宗 大本山 大徳寺 塔頭 龍泉庵 など)で 
修復 維持 管理 をさせて頂いています。大変ありがたいことです。
その他の出入りしている寺院、個人邸では 作庭 維持管理 をさせて頂いています。
尚 今年の三月に京都では初めて 寺院で枯山水の石組みをさせて頂きました。


ブログという形で頻繁ではないですが 定期的に何か更新させて頂こうと思っています。

針原成吉 拝

I'm glad to see you.

My company name is Harihara Landscape Gardening and my name is Shigeyoshi Harihara.

Thanks to lots of good human relationships and goodwill, I can receive requests and orders to create, maintain and manage gardens across the country, to design and display shops to sell fresh flowers. Thankfully I can receive such orders abroad and the orders are gradually increasing.

Regarding temples (regarding the temples by which I was permitted to announce their names and where people generally cannot enter, their actual names were described below.), I am receiving orders to repair, maintain and manage gardens from the temples where people generally can enter (for example: Head temple of Nichiren sect, Honpouji temple) and other temples where people generally cannot enter (for example: Tacchu and Ryusen-an in the whole head temple of Rinzai sect, Daitokuji temple.and so on).

It would be greatly appreciated.

In addition, I'm doing jobs to maintain and manage gardens in several temples and individual homesteads with which I have personal human connections.
Moreover, I had a first experience to arrange stones in dry style gardens of temples in Kyoto this March.

As far, I've received job offers only by word of mouth without creating any contact points, but I've created my homepage to respond to job offers from abroad and will regularly (but not frequently) update it as a form of blog.

I'm looking forward to doing business with you.

Best regards,
Shigeyoshi Harihara